
Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Services Provided

  • Options Analysis
  • Functional Specifications
  • Contract Administration



Project Cost



2020 – 2021


In 2021 MCE was requested to assist Aurizon in undertaking the upgrade of their existing Water Treatment Plant. The WTP was unable to treat fluctuating higher turbidity water and had internal control issues. MCE carried out the work in three stages. Stage 1 involved developing an Upgrade Proposal Report in which the current issues were identified, and the current process operation was identified in detail. MCE worked with Aurizon to identify expected deliverables from the upgrade and then provided an assessment of proposed upgrade requirements. MCE approached suitable market suppliers to gain a better understanding of budget costs for the improvements and constraints to their implementation. Stage 2 involved the development of a Functional Specification of the required upgrade to allow the work to go to tender. A risk assessment was also developed in collaboration with Aurizon staff to assist in removing any constraints and unknowns to moving forward with the project. In Stage 3 MCE provided the issue of Tender Documents to the market and are managed requests for information. MCE also assisted in achieving the quality outcomes from the successful tenderer.