
Taroomball Trunk Sewer Mains and Pump Station

Services Provided

  • Project and Construction Management


Infrastructure at Taroomball Tanby Road South had reached its maximum service capacity and required major upgrade work to service the anticipated growth in the catchment areas. The complex project is located within a low-lying marine environment, adjacent to the upper tidal reaches of a creek. The works required the installation of new sewer trunk infrastructure and the clearing of vegetation. MCE worked with Town Planners, Environmental Consultants, Geotechnical, Survey and Electrical Engineers to prepare the designs and specifications for the construction of the gravity sewer, pump station and rising main. All design work was carried out in accordance with the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines (CMDG). The work included the development of ‘for construction’ specifications and drawings. A risk assessment of project constraints was also completed as well as the safety in design review.